
How to make your first communion

The Eucharist is the sacrament in which we receive the body and blood of Christ. The church teaches that Christ is really present in the bread and wine that have been consecrated by the priest at Mass.
Although the bread and wine still look and taste like bread and wine, the substance, what is actually there, has changed. The roots of the Eucharist are in the Jewish Passover meal. This is the meal which commemorates Israel's delivery from oppression and slavery in Egypt.
The information on this page covers only basic information. Your situation may be different. For first communion class registration information, you are encouraged to call the church office at (323) 255-6142, or visit us in person.

First communion class registration

Normally, the preparation for receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time is a two-year program, also known as catechism.
A baptism certificate must be provided at the time of registration. Registration forms may be obtained in the church office.
You may have a sponsor or godparent, but they are not a part of the first communion ceremony.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Children 7 to 14 are accepted into our first communion program. Although pastoral judgment may be exercised in individual circumstances, these are the general parameters, according to Canon Law.
Individuals older than 14, who have been baptized but not made their first communion, should consider enrolling in our RCIA program, where they will receive all three Sacraments of Initiation: baptism, Eucharist, and confirmation.