Be ‘earthquake ready’ for the coming of the Lord

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor

“The measure of love is love without measure.” — St. Bernard of Clairvaux.

In California, we are forever being told that we should be “earthquake ready.”

As they always say: “It is not a question of “if” the Big One will hit, but “when.”

Having said that, what does it mean to be ready?

We are told to have a planned site where families can meet should they become separated. We are told to have our medications and enough water for a week. What about blankets and warm clothing if it should happen during the winter? And do we have a place to store all of these things?

Jesus tells us that we need to be ready, because we do not know when the Lord will come. That, too, requires a little planning — it cannot and should not be haphazard and simply hoped for without any kind of planning.

That is why prayer, quieting the soul, and opening the mind and heart, are part of the plan or way that we remain prepared, alert, waiting and ready.

Advent is a time of preparation to meet the Lord. We spend four Sundays carefully contemplating the meaning of his coming into our lives. We meet him in the past as we celebrate and remember his birth.

We prepare to meet him in the future as we await His second coming. But the real preparation should be for today and everyday.

If the plan is to be ready, waiting, looking, seeking, and listening and watching, we will surely meet the Lord again and again and again!

Father Perry D. Leiker is pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142, or email Follow Father Perry on Twitter @MrDeano76.

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