We are at our best when we realize who and what we are

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastorFather Perry D. Leiker, pastor

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
“Don’t explain your philosophy. Embody it!” — Epictetus.
The Gospel today focuses on two themes: the power of faith; and dutiful service.
The apostles frequently asked questions of Jesus: informational ones, or specific actions from him.
Today was no different.
They asked the Lord to “increase our faith.”
He did respond; but he didn’t do what they asked. Rather, he gave them a response contrasting two hyperboles.
Jesus first combined two proverbial ideas into one hyperbolic statement.
He said that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed (hyperbole — one of the tiniest seeds), that you could say to this mulberry tree (one of the most deeply and tenaciously rooted): “Be uprooted!”
Not likely, though.
Then he added to this idea another hyperbole by saying you could plant it in the sea — clearly one of the most unlikely places, since this tree could not possibly grow there.
The exaggeration makes the point, which is exactly what hyperbole is meant to do: exaggerate through the example to make the point or meaning even stronger.
What the apostles were asking for was nothing in comparison to what Jesus wanted to give them. Jesus wanted to give them extraordinary faith and trust in God!
Being asked to serve is a great honor and responsibility
In Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) and other 12-step programs, people in the group take on tasks or responsibilities of service to the group.
At each meeting they usually give a little report to the group, and typically they finish their report with the words: “Thanks for letting me serve.”
Thanks? Why would one be “thankful” or “grateful” for “being allowed” to serve?
The Gospel today gives some understanding to this simple yet profound attitude.
Most of us could never really relate to an example involving slaves. In our national consciousness we have developed an abhorrent response to the very idea of slavery. We wish we could erase the reality and any memory of it from our history.
But in Jesus’ time it was a part of the social fabric of both the Romans and Jews. It was acceptable. In fact, some people sold themselves into slavery with the hope that one day they could be emancipated.
Even so, there were expectations of a slave: both from the master and from the slave him or her self. The slave knew what was expected. To do the service was to be responsible and fulfill one’s obligation as a slave.
Not everyone would think that a slave was to be “thanked”; it was simply their job. Slaves were unworthy; that is, not worthy of praise, because they were only fulfilling their duty. Duty was dignified. Duty could bring one’s freedom. Duty was a moral obligation and one’s responsibility.
Jesus was probably directing this parable at the Pharisees who routinely thought that they deserved to be praised for what they did.
We are at our best when we realize who and what we are.
As God’s creation, we have been loved into existence and blessed each day. This is not because of what we do, but because of who God is.
God loves us all — the good and the bad — equally and always.
His example to us is and was to love and to serve. In this we find meaning, life, satisfaction, joy, dignity, and we have no problem saying the words: “We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty” (Luke 17:10).

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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