A letter from Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor, to parishioners

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

My dear parishioners,
This week, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles announced the suspension of all Masses due to the current COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) health threat.
“I deeply regret that we are forced to temporarily suspend public celebration of the Mass in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,” said Archbishop José H. Gomez. “What we do in the church, we do out of love for God and love for our brothers and sisters. We are taking this extraordinary step today out of love and concern for those in our families and ­­communities who are most vulnerable to this deadly coronavirus.”
Archbishop Gomez stressed that the decision was “not made lightly,” and that it was made after “much prayer and reflection” and in consultation with the archdiocese’s auxiliary bishops, Council of Priests, lay advisers, and government and public health officials.
As pastor, I want to communicate these directives from Archbishop Gomez and share my own concerns with you as we deal with difficult decisions and face the future together as the St. Bernard community.
In all my years as a priest — and most recently in these last nine years at St. Bernard church — I have never experienced a time when our city and nation, indeed the whole world, has faced such perilous times.
My heart goes out to the many individuals whose lives have been completely altered from their daily routines, to those who are presently ill, and to those who have died as a result of COVID-19 and to their surviving families.
During these uncertain times it is important that we as individuals, couples, and families, make every effort to combat this virus, which requires 100 percent cooperation.
I want to encourage all families to pray together for inner peace during these trying and challenging days ahead of us. We must make every home a place of hope, a source of faith and peace and we must grow our inner strength that happens most profoundly deep within our spirit.
The archbishop has suspended all Masses and group gatherings for the good of our church community and community at large.
I would like to thank all the parishioners who have dropped off their Sunday donation to the church office. I sincerely appreciate that during these difficult times our parishioners have been so generous to provide for others and the church.
St. Bernard Church operates and survives from the weekly donations received from your generous donations, most especially in times of crisis like these.
I want you to know that I will be keeping all parishioners in my daily prayers. I pray the Lord continues to bless us during these difficult challenges. It is important to remember to read your daily inspiration, the scripture, and communicate with your family and friends to assure them of God’s continual blessing.
If you use the internet, there are many resources out there. Among them are: www.lacatholics.org (archdiocesan website); our parish website, www.stbernard-parish.com; and the United Sates Bishop’s website, www.USCCB.org. These offer guidance, information, and many resources.
I ask for your continued prayers for all those who are afflicted with this virus and for those who are afraid and vulnerable.
I also ask you to pray for and reach out to help the many families who are facing difficulties as a result of this emergency, especially our elderly. We also need to keep in our prayers all the doctors, nurses, caregivers, and public health and civil authorities working to contain the outbreak of this virus and treat those who are sick.
The church doors will remain open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day.
The church office — at least for now — will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
We will do our best to support you and help you seek out resources you may need.
With all my love and prayers,
— Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
(323) 255-6142

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