We pray that Jesus and the Father help us to discover the power of relationship

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
It’s all about relationship! It’s always about relationship! And that is because we are all in relationship with one another — whether we like it or not.
And that is because we are all in relationship with God — whether we like it, or believe it, or not.
So thank you, Micah, for reminding us that God breathes us into life, shepherds us so that we can inherit as sons and daughters of our God. God feeds us not only with earthly but also heavenly food. The Lord heals us through forgiveness and the removal of guilt and shame; he always shows clemency and mercy and kindness.
And God is faithful even when we are not.
+ And thank you, Jesus, for showing us and tweaking the expression, “Blood is thicker than water” (even though the expression is much later than Jesus — the 12th century) into “Love is thicker than blood,” as he tells us in today’s Gospel.
“Who is my mother?” (blood).
And then, in typical profound, deeper and relevant language, tells us, as he stretches out his hands: “For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
You did it again, Jesus. You grabbed the truth that is super-truth, and goes to the heart of the matter.
Blood relationship is, well, blood relationship. There is a causal and traceable relationship that is rather immediate.
But let’s face it, we are all in relationship with one another and with God. It’s always about relationship. So, Jesus and the Father in heaven, help us to discover the power of relationship — the power of love, the power of walking hand in hand with our God, the power of brother, sister, mother, father, cousin, neighbor, friend.
We are all in it together.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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