Even in our sins, Jesus is firmly committed to his friendship, love with us

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
“The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” — Nathaniel Branden.
A true “insight” or “new awareness” should include logic and make good sense, but more importantly is something deeply spiritual.
We can know facts and details for years without them ever rising to the point of insight or new awareness.
But when the “light goes on” and we discover the meaning of something (insight or awareness), we are usually changed in some fashion forever.
Today, Peter and the disciples are changed forever.
Matthew, Mark and Luke record this conversation with Jesus and the disciples in which Peter comes to a new awareness. It is only in Matthew, however, that Jesus remarks that “flesh and blood has not revealed this truth to you but my heavenly Father.”
It is on this insight that Jesus proclaims Peter as “rock,” the one on whom the church is to be built, and the new reality from which true forgiveness and reconciliation would flow.
True power — not control — would be shared from this understanding of Jesus, the Christ. “True power from our relationship with the Christ” — this is the reality that is our rich insight.
How many times have we experienced gifts, discoveries, beauty and wonders flowing out of a relationship of friendship?
It is not just knowing a person or simply “having” them as a friend (the fact of relationship); rather, it is in the unfolding and developing relationship that goodness and gifts begin to emerge.
They often even come through our misunderstandings, the crashing of different ideas and tastes, and the struggles that come through hurts and “letting go” — the forgiveness and healing within relationships.
It is not surprising that the conversation between Jesus and Peter that will follow in the Gospel is the harshest statement that Jesus speaks to Peter in all of the Gospels: “Get behind me, Satan!”
The relationship is proclaimed, and then the biggest crashing of ideas happens; yet, Jesus is firmly committed to his friendship and love with Peter and the other disciples.
He means to empower them with his love and his truth. He means to guide them and help them to grow even through confusion and sin — even betrayal.
How deep is his love for them! How deep is his love for us!
Even in sin and our own little betrayals, Jesus is firmly committed to his friendship and love with us!
May this “insight,” this “new awareness,” grow within us that we may discover the power of Christ’s love within us each day.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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