A change of mind, heart and will is what conversion is all about

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
“Conversion is a daily thing.” — Jim Caviezel.
Words are cheap!
We often hear it from our politicians during the election campaigns.
Promises! Promises! More promises!
Taxes are going to be lowered while at the same time revenues will go up.
We are going to be in debt and yet we are going to spend more.
Everything that is wrong will become right.
A lot of words are spoken; and this also occurs in religious circles and in the world of faith.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks a question (“What is your opinion?”) then presents the situation.
Two sons each respond to their father when asked to go out to work in his vineyard. One says yes, but never goes; the other says no, but afterward has a change of heart and goes out to work.
Jesus’ question follows: “Who did his father’s will?”
The answer (“the one who did his father’s will”) can be understood in one word: conversion — a change of heart.
Conversion is the core idea of all three readings today. A change of mind, heart and will is what conversion is all about.
The “emptying of self” in the second reading is about going through deep, profound conversion — “God emptying himself and taking the form of a slave.”
The Gospel speaks exactly the opposite truth of the world.
The world says: “Grab onto power, hold it tight, use it everywhere you can. You must be in control. Winning is everything.”
But the word of God speaks a different truth: “Let go. Give your ‘self’ over to God. Empty your ‘self.’ Deny your ‘self.’ Die in order to rise, to live anew and forever.”
This, again, is what we call the Paschal Mystery.
This is the example of Jesus and why he is proclaimed “the Christ.”
Words are cheap, but promises are easy.
Admitting “I am wrong” and changing one’s ways — that is conversion, that is the Gospel, that is salvation.
Citing the brother who said “no” but changed his mind and did it, Jesus concludes: “Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.”

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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