We’re invited to bring about the kingdom of God

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Father Perry’s daily reflection for Tuesday of the First Week of Advent.
+ It will start tiny, tiny, tiny, but oh, will it grow.
“A shoot will sprout … a bud shall blossom.”
And then the gifts of the Spirit will be poured all over and into that tiny, tiny, tiny shoot and blossom.
The effects, though, are what is astounding.
My favorite, slightly adapted: “The lion will lie down with the lamb with a little child to guide them.”
Now, a reality check offered by none other than the comedian Woody Allen who says roughly translating this passage: “The lion will lie down with the lamb; but, the lamb won’t get much sleep.”
Now that is truth. That is reality.
There is little that a lion enjoys more than a nice lamb chop, but herein lies the deeper reality — the deeper truth.
From that root of Jesse, the messiah will come and no one and no thing will ever be the same.
In the deepest understanding, all things will be uprooted, changed, transformed, renewed, made more, given life, healed, and saved!
The messiah will turn all things inside out and upside down. “From a tiny, tiny, tiny shoot …”
We are talking about spiritual renewal and spiritual gifts. This will be accomplished by the Spirit of God. All things are possible!
+ There is knowledge and revelation and blessing being promised. Eyes will be opened. Ears will hear.
What prophets and kings longed for we have received, and we continue to be blessed, gifted and filled with Spirit and life.
+ That is why, ages later, we continue to celebrate in song what others longed for. And even though we have already received, we continue to sing of that longing and celebrate that gift having been given and continuing to share as blessing.
+ “O come, O come Emmanuel; and ransom captive Israel.”

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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We’re invited to bring about the kingdom of God

Time to read: 1 min