We can never stop being graced by God

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry.
+ “Teach me your ways, O Lord,” cries out the psalmist.
How we long for that!
Would that we were like Balaam in today’s first reading, who “hears what God says” and “sees what the Almighty sees.”
This, especially so in today’s reading, as the messianic oracle begins to be announced: “A star shall advance from Jacob, and a staff shall rise from Israel.”
+ And so, once again, the chief priests (who should have seen and known) and the elders of the people (who should have seen and known) question Jesus as to the origins of his authority.
Of course, as usual, Jesus turns it back on them and asks a question, forcing the issue; he wants to know what they believed, what they understood.
Did they “see what the Almighty sees” and “hear what God hears?” Certainly not.
Trying to outwit Jesus, they claim “not to know”; they refuse to even “try” to discover truth.
They turn not toward but away from Jesus. They refuse, in their ignorance and perhaps fear, to seek to “hear what God hears” and “see what the Almighty sees.”
This is particularly sad, because they had the Christ there to lead them to true hearing and seeing. They chose, instead, to be spiritually deaf and blind.
They chose, instead, to remain stubbornly in their fear and unwillingness to “step out on the edge” and let the Christ lead and guide them to more.
Here we are, 12 days away from the celebration of the birth of the Christ into the world. Twelve days away from welcoming anew and still more deeply into our lives — truth, freedom, wisdom, peace, love, eternity — and so much more.
We are 12 days away from “hearing” and “seeing’” with, and in and through our God!
(An aside: St John of the Cross — a priest, doctor, and mystic — is a human and saintly expression of one from among us who sought to do all of that, and he did it awesomely. Seem it is possible and doable and brings blessing, real hearing, and true seeing!)

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at perry.leiker@gmail.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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