Are we ‘locked in’ to the Lord our God?

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry.
+ It used to be on old radios that you sometimes had to turn the dial back and forth ever so carefully until you could tune in to the station clearly.
The smallest turn to the right or left could give you static or lack of clarity. But now we have “digital dialing,” and if you are a digital number off you can get that static or lack of clarity. But when you get the digital number of the station exactly, you get the clarity you seek.
+ Spiritually is very similar. We need digital “locking on” to the Christ, to his words and works, and to his relationship with the Father that “locks us” into the same heavenly relationship with our God.
Lying is static. Being too attracted or too dependent upon or too incapable of letting go of anything can create the same spiritual static and/or lack of clarity.
As John’s first letter reminds us, it is so important that we “remain in Him, and He in us” so that we can maintain that clarity we seek deep within.
It is not magic. It is not our imagination. Another way to put it might be to say that we are harmonious, in sync, in balance, or sharing fullness or wholeness or completeness — or simply, we remain one with our God.
+ Jesus was “thrown out” of his peace by the death of John the Baptist; and he was also “thrown into” his ministry of calling people — all people — to repentance because the kingdom of God is at hand.
Immediately, he became a living spiritual magnet to all who were ill or diseased or racked with pain or possessed or lunatics; they all came at him. They all came to him, and “he cured them.”
+ Clearly, Jesus was totally in sync and in harmony and balance, and totally in relationship with the Father; and spiritual energy, spiritual blessing and spiritual life gushed out of him.
+ Do we know that harmony with the Christ and with the Father? Are we “in sync”?
Do we listen to the Christ and to the Father?
Have we “tuned in” digitally?
Are we locked into that place where we can see, hear, feel, know, and respond with clarity?

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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