Through our baptism, have we heard God’s voice speaking to us?

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
“Looking Ahead” is a reflection on the Sunday readings by Father Perry. It is published every Sunday.
“Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting.” — Elizabeth Bibesco.
When we celebrate baptisms here at St. Bernard, usually large, extended families with their friends attend this monumental faith event in the life of the child member of their family.
It would truly be ideal if we could celebrate all of them on Sunday. Why? We welcome new life into our community. We literally see our community grow in this celebration. We affirm our own baptism as we share baptism with others. We renew faith in the sharing of faith.
But one of the most beautiful things is to “hear” the voice of God from heaven say through this celebration: “You are my beloved son [daughter] in whom I am well pleased.”
This biblical utterance made to Jesus at his baptism in the River Jordan is repeated over each of us.
God delights in us. God anoints us with his Spirit. God fills us with his word. God invites us to become his sons and daughters. God dwells within us forever. God binds us into the deepest spiritual communion with our community of faith by this sharing of faith.
It is for these reasons that some obvious things follow.
We find it our deepest commitment to walk with one another in faith. Attending Mass on Sunday is as natural to us as breathing.
We are Catholic. We belong to Christ. We are now brothers and sisters, and share the Lord. Our lives are forever touched by God’s Spirit, and this happens significantly through the community gathered in faith and in prayer.
We are invited to take our proper place at the table of the Lord. What happens in baptism is not private but profoundly communal. What happens in baptism is the most significant and most radical spiritual change that could ever happen to us.
Indeed, God speaks loudly and clearly over each of us: “You are my beloved son [daughter] in whom I am well pleased.”
The question that remains: Have we heard his voice?

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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