The word is so amazing when we hear God speak an ‘if’ to us.

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry.
+ “If.” What a wonderful word!
“What if?” “If you want to.” “If you do.” “If you don’t.”
It is such a relational word, and you just so want to know who and what and when and why will follow.
“If you hear his voice.”
Then “what, what, what” should you do?
And what you should do is not harden your heart!
On the contrary, you should open your heart and listen with your heart and allow your heart to be affected, and see with your heart and be transformed in your heart and discover God in your heart.
“If” you do that, how differently you shall live! The word is so amazing when we hear God speak an “if” to us.
+ But imagine speaking an “if” to God! Imagine speaking an “if” to the Christ!
Imagine that you are a leper consigned to living alone, or with other lepers, but certainly never going back to live with your family — to live with those who love you.
And you say directly to the Christ — begging and pleading your cause; hoping and wanting with all of your heart and soul; publicly crying out the biggest “if” of your life!
“If” you want, Lord, you can make me clean.
“If” you want, Lord, you can give me back my life — “if” you want, Lord.
“‘If’ you would, Lord.” “‘If’ you do, Lord.”
“If, if, if” — and the Lord did. The Lord does. The Lord will. The Lord wants.
I do will it! I will, will it.
+ How many “ifs” will we speak today? How many “ifs” will be asked of us?
How many “ifs” will open possibilities and doors and chances to grow, live, love, fin, discover, be transformed, and not harden, but find the voice of God giving and living within us and through us?

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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