This High Priest has invited us to share in this new covenant, written in our lives

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry.
As we swim around in the waters of the letter to the Hebrews, we hear all of this strong testimony about Jesus the High Priest and a so much greater ministry than any other.
As we listen to the words relating to a new covenant — one written into the hearts, one that is second now and makes the first one obsolete — we then begin to hear and see what this one is all about.
The High Priest offers sacrifice to God. Jesus the Christ, the High Priest offers sacrifice to God and is the sacrifice that is offered to God.
This High Priest offers himself to God; he makes the sacrifice, and he is the sacrifice.
This is perfect.
Isn’t it so also in our lives?
When a dirty job needs to be done, and our parents say: “I need you to do this task,” but we say: “Why me; let my [brother/sister] do it! Why do I always have to do the ugly job?”
But is not the proper response: “Sure. I will do it just as you ask!”
The High Priest said “yes” to God. The High Priest loved, forgave, gave himself on the cross; he died for what he believed.
He lived what he believed until the end. His end on the cross was loving, forgiving, mediating, exemplifying, total, and inviting — “Father, forgive them all; they know not what they do”; “Into your hands, I commend my spirit”; “This day you will be with me in paradise.”
And so, this had to be. Jesus the Christ invited others — 12 in all — like the 12 tribes of Israel.
But this one being a new covenant — to follow him, to accept his mission, to reach out to others, to preach and teach the word (who now dwelt among them), to give everything also: their love, their ministry, their lives.
And so this has to be also.
We are called to give everything, also — our love, our ministry, our lives.
This High Priest has invited us to share in this new covenant, now written in our hearts, choices, actions, love, and lives.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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