Is Jesus too much for us? Do we want him to stay? Do we welcome him in?

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry.
+ Prophet after prophet after prophet had announced the coming of the Lord, the Holy One, the messiah.
How many words! How many promises! How many times! Again and again and again.
And now, the Holy One is here.
How do we know? Come on! Even the unclean, tormented spirits — even legions of them — recognized, called out by name, begging him to leave them; even they knew who was there among them.
And when those unclean spirits listened and obeyed the commands of the Holy One — poof! They were gone!
Jesus restored those unclean men who became clean, filled with peace, and desirous of following the Christ.
The broken were made whole.
Pretty amazing, no?
And all were amazed; but they wanted him to leave. Too much! He even broke their piggy bank when the herd of swine (Gentile, and unclean industry) became the new home of the unclean; not a bad idea since the swine themselves were unclean.
But even for Gentiles this was too much. He was too much. His power was too much.
Who was he? Where did he get this power, authority, knowledge, these abilities, this insight, and this Spirit?
Who? What? How? Why? Where?
He was too much!
Is he too much for us? Do we want him to stay? Do we welcome him in?
Does he take our unclean and sinful stuff and make us new, whole, well, loving, and living members of his kingdom and his life?
Too much. Or just right?
More than enough.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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