The word made flesh has been baptized, seared into our hearts, souls

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry for Wednesday of the First Week of Lent.
“Just a tiny bit of salt goes a long, long way. Trust me.”
That, spoken by any cook or chef, is indeed worth their weight in salt or in gold. It is simply a culinary truth.
+ Another simple truth is spoken today once again by the psalmist: “A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.”
God just seems to want us to be honest, to be truthful, to face facts, to say what is, to say “it is what it is” and not to lie — especially to ourselves.
And so, thanks to Jonah — the king on his throne and departing his throne to “face the truth” — declared in word and in sackcloth and ashes that all had sinned, that all needed to be contrite and humbled, that all needed to do penance, and that all need a change of heart!
+ And Jesus, knowing all of that history and all of that past, tells us to listen to Jonah, and listen to the Ninevites; and listen to the queen of the south, and listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and listen to that something.
That something, especially, sits in the hearts and souls of those who want to hear and see and feel and discover and live the word of God, especially the word of God who is the Christ and who speaks so clearly through Jesus who walked among us and whose word continues to live in us.
We need no further sign since the sign of the word made flesh has been baptized and seared into our hearts and souls.
Let those who have eyes let them see. Let those who have ears let the hear. Let those who have hearts, let them know the Lord!

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 14th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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