It also is always a little difficult to hear about the violence, war, conquering, and other social upheaval that God would create.
Perhaps it is just that war mongering language that all society seems to love so much.
Yeah, see, God is on our side. God will make us victorious! But once we get through all of that we can begin to see the bountiful blessings side of it all.
I hope people of every religion, every race, and every culture, will say the same thing.
Hyperbole? Just making a point? Really evaluating the tremendous spirit that was John?
But just like everyone of every religion, every race, and every culture, likes to say that God is on our side, maybe people of every religion, every race, and every culture, would equally like to say that no one is more important or ever has been and ME.
We are that John the Baptist — equally loved, equally important!
Father Perry D. Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.