The voice of God is glorious and effective

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings, for the Baptism of the Lord, by Father Perry.
+ Just 12 days ago, we celebrated the birth of Jesus the Christ.
Then eight days later, we celebrated his circumcision and presentation in the temple.
Four days following that, we celebrated the Epiphany, still glorifying in the infancy of the Lord and those drawn to recognize just who it was that had come into this world, and for what and why.
That happened to be just yesterday (at least in this year when Christmas has fallen on a Sunday, dates and celebrations are affected somewhat).
Having said that, it is even a little more poignant and typical and wonderful that the church jumps 30 years later in one day to celebrate the adult baptism of Jesus by John, presented in a simple narrative form with Jesus and John’s conversation, and reasons given by both for if and why this should happen.
But, if we had to pick a single “word” or “image” that stands out above all through most of the word today, it would have to be the word “voice” — or more specifically, the “Voice of God” — and his voice that announces “my servant whom I uphold; my chosen one with whom I am pleased — upon whom I have put my spirit.”
This is, of course, the “suffering servant” passage that the church has always applied as referring to Jesus the Christ; it fits so perfectly and prophetically.
And his voice — “bringing forth justice without crying out or shouting.”
There is “calling” and “grasping by the hand”and “forming” and going on, and so much that God will do to work through this ONE.
Ah, the voice of God is glorious and effective.
And it is also very inclusive of others like Peter, whose voice surely speaks as one with the voice of his God as God sends his word to be proclaimed.
Ah, yes; that voice landed upon the ears of all who gathered in that house of Cornelius and gathered in every house of the Lord where today’s feast is celebrated.
That voice is mighty and it is majestic and it is heard over the “vast waters.”
+ And finally, even for sure — as it no doubt astounded John, assuming he heard it as we certainly do in the word today — that voice of God thunderously rang out from the opened heavens; and that descent of the Spirit of God in a dove-like form, gloriously proclaiming: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Listen to him.”
That voice was just beginning now, and for the next three years would speak clearly and divinely and so lovingly bringing forth grace and blessing and life — oh, so much life to all of us.
So we must be sure of one thing — are we still listening?
Do we still recognize that voice?
And in our hearing, will we respond with open hearts and a willingness and mindful decision to follow and live our call as disciples of the Lord?

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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