Unburdened and comforted by Jesus' love, we rest.

Unburdened and comforted by Jesus’ love, we rest

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is a reflection on the Sunday readings, for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Once upon a time, there was in our Catholic community a teaching that actually was believed which said that Sunday was a day of rest.
It was considered serious to observe it. People were told not to work, but to go to church, then to rest, to be with family, to play, to enjoy.
What a refreshing idea. We believed that there was value in resting and playing.
But too many people today work seven days a week; and not at one or two, but even three jobs.
If they do have some time off and they are lucky enough for that day to be on Sunday, after they go to Mass (if they still do that), they have so many chores at home.
Their excuse is that these could never be accomplished during the week.
How refreshing it is to hear these particular words coming from Jesus’ mouth in the Gospel today, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Just to hear Jesus affirm the value of rest.
Just to hear Jesus invite us to become unburdened and comforted by his love.
Just to consider that finding rest is something we really ought to do.
This is all spoken as divinely wise language — spoken in a prayer to the Father.
It is referred to as “hidden things,” known not to the “wise and learned,” but rather to the “little ones.”
It is the little ones — children — who know the value of play and fun and rest.
It is the little ones who are not burdened by the endless cares of the world.
It is this tension between holding on (responsibility) and letting go; between taking care and being careless. Between “taking care of business” and “closing down the store.”
Jesus is speaking the language of wisdom today.
Not everyone will hear it.
Not everyone will get what it is he is talking about.
Not everyone will put it into practice or even see a need for it. It is, however, a message that should be heeded.
As he says in other places, I think he would say it also today, “Let him who has ears to hear — hear!”

Thich Nhat Hanh.

Thich Nhat Hanh.

THOUGHT OF THE WEEK | “We human beings have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don’t allow our bodies to heal, and we don’t allow our minds and hearts to heal.” — Thich Nhat Hanh.

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at pleiker@stbernard-church.com. Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.

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