Jesus reveals a Father who always loves

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our continuing series on the Sunday readings by Father Perry. This week, we celebrate the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
You have worked for eight hours. You are covered in sweat. You have tired muscles and are aching with exhaustion and hunger.
You receive your agreed-upon wage for eight hours.
Now, that is fair!
Someone comes to your worksite at the end of the day, works one hour and receives the same wage as you.
Now, that is unfair! It’s illogical!
Is there anyone who could create a worse scenario than Jesus does in this Gospel today?
Fair is fair. Unfair is unfair. Jesus, get it right!
But once again that is exactly the point.
In the good news that Jesus proclaims, God is beyond fair and unfair. He generously, extravagantly, ridiculously, unconditionally pours out his love, his grace, and the gift of his salvation.
It is not earned. It is not given out, because we “put in our required time” or efforts.
It is pure gift. It is pure love. He does not give it to some and withhold it from others.
He gives it to all. He gives it all of the time.
The scriptures say it in many ways, but one of the most familiar passages says, “He sets his sun to shine on the good and the bad. He pours out his rain on the good and the bad.”
Does this not say it clearly?
This good news is so often heard, and most often ignored.
Most people, when this is played out in real life, find it to be bad news.
If someone doesn’t earn something, they should not get it.
That is fair, and that is good news to most.
The bad news is to find out that someone gets something they did not deserve or earn.
Then Jesus comes along and reveals a Father who always loves, and always gives and always offers.
It really is too good to be true. But, what if we lived a week believing this?
What if even when we sinned, we believed and trusted? And even expected that God was going to lead us to peace and healing, help us to learn even from error and sin?
And that he would give to us just as generously as if we were doing good or even submerged in prayer?
Or does he withhold his love?
This parable, remember, is telling us about the kingdom of God.
It is very different from the kingdom of man.
Thank God for the kingdom of God and for all of the differences in that kingdom.
That really is good news!

Father Perry Dean Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at

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