Living in trust, humility before God

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels, by Father Perry
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Today, as with every memorial, there are optional readings; but they are truly optional.
Many choose to remain in the cycle of readings as we will do.
So, here today rather than to break the ongoing cycle and interrupt the ongoing story, the Mass and the Prayers of the Day are for the memorial, but the readings of the day continue.
So, we begin where we left off with Zechariah.
The visions continue. And the author sees Jerusalem as through the eyes of God, restored and peace-filled.
The “New Jerusalem” is so welcoming that it is perfectly safe and peaceful for the elderly and for children — the “faithful city and the holy mountain.”
And even the psalm echoes this power of God reigniting his covenant promises and making Jerusalem great again, “The Lord will build up Zion again, and appear in all his glory.”
No matter where they were in the process of restoration, all was seen through the eyes of God as the process having been begun and on its way to fulfillment.
+ And so the Gospel (this Gospel is taken from the memorial Mass readings of the Guardian Angels, so we have a combo today) echoes at least the idea that the children, the very vulnerable, are safe and even protected by angels watching over them.
The children model for us who is first and most important in the kingdom of God.
For in their humility, innocence, and trusting of their parents they show us the way to our Father when we, too, live in trust and humility before our God.
Entering into the kingdom of God requires this kind of openness to and before God, so that this kingdom can come alive in us, and God’s power and covenantal love can produce its fruit within us.
Trust. Openness. Humility before our God.
On this Memorial of the Guardian Angels, this celebration, these readings, bring it all together and breathe God’s breath of love into our lives.

Father Perry Dean Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at

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