There are lessons to be learned in Jonah’s adventures and the prayer Jesus taught us

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Jonah. What is your problem?
God called you and sent you to preach repentance to a sinful nation.
You tried to flee away from God.
You got snatched up anyway.
You eventually gave in to God, and went to preach that repentance.
You must have done a fine job because there was a three-day preaching gig; and you only got through the first of three acts, and the whole city was converted.
You and God proved to be quite a team; 120,000 people said they were sorry and turned back to God.
And now, Jonah, you are upset? What is your problem?
Is it, by any chance, because God was forgiving nonIsraelites? Is this a story of sour grapes?
Like the story of Jesus‘ parable — when he pays workers who worked one hour the same as he paid workers who worked all day; and when they complained, he replied, “Are you jealous because I am generous? Can’t I do what I want to with my own money?” — Jonah, are you jealous because I truly am a loving and forgiving God?
Can I not share my mercy with whomever I please?
And on the spot, overnight, he gives to and takes from Jonah to teach him a lesson — and even that lesson Jonah has trouble understanding.
Jesus, too, is about to teach a lesson — as he teaches his disciples how to pray.
In a very simple and one of the most famous of all prayers, Jesus teaches several things, and teaches the most important relationship with this God of mercy and love.
Jesus teaches them and us to call God our Father. He also teaches that mercy and love are not only ours to receive, but also ours to give.
Jonah was slow to understand; sometimes, perhaps, we are, too.
This prayer of Jesus has much to give us. We have much to receive.

Father Perry Dean Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at

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