Reject the invitation, and you reject the kingdom of God

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our continuing reflection series on the Sunday readings, by Father Perry. This week, we celebrate the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
Perhaps only once in a year the familiar question might go something like this, “Are you going to the party on Friday night?”
The equally rare and stunning response follows, “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it! This is the social event of the year!”
What kind of event would qualify for that response: a presidential ball; the consecration or funeral of a pope; the grand opening of a world-class opera house; the unveiling of a newly-found Picasso; or the final game of a World Series or the World Cup?
In today’s Gospel, it is the wedding of a king’s son.
This is an event that, if invited to attend, one would never want to reject.
Not only would it truly be the social event of the year, this would be a personal invitation from the king!
To reject the event for whatever reason would also be to reject the king himself. Unthinkable!
Or to put it in other words: cancel everything; rearrange everything; put everything on hold. Everything takes a back burner to this one!
This is Jesus‘ way of presenting, once again, the kingdom of God.
Here it is among you. It has arrived. It is now. It is forever. It is the single most important event, invitation, reality that you could and will ever know.
To reject the invitation of the “kingdom” is to reject God himself. Unthinkable!
This is the third week in a row that the liturgy presents this reality to us.
The kingdom of God is offered, and there are those who will not receive it, who cannot recognize it, who reject the offer.
Jesus says, “The offer will be taken away from you and given to someone else.”
These are startling words. This is truly unthinkable.
The only response that makes real sense is simply: “I would not miss it!”
This is the event of a lifetime.
This is the event that brings eternal life.
Thank you for the invitation.
I accept, I accept, I accept!
Quote of the week | 💬
“Buy the ticket, take the ride.” — Hunter S. Thompson.

Father Perry Dean Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at

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