Being ‘double amen-ed’ by Jesus is kind of a big deal

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for the Memorial of St. John Neumann, bishop, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ In Alcoholics Anonymous, there is a saying, “Fake it until you make it.”
I doubt that it is directly connected to a phrase in John’s letter today, but somehow it may be indirectly rooted there —
“Children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and truth.”
Or, “words are cheap,” as they say.
What really counts are actions — doing.
And even if our faith is weak and we are not really convinced in our thoughts, perhaps our actions will help to get us there.
You do good, and good will do you!
After all, does not practice make perfect, at least little by little? As we practice we are changed.
For it is not just about words and thoughts, but more about actions and doing.
If you need proof. ask the person to whom you have just shown some compassion.
Ask the hungry man or woman you have just shared some food with if a good deed has value.
In fact, do not ask. Just look at their smile filled with gratitude.
Ah, yes! Loving in deed and in truth.
+ And so, Jesus calls to others today, “Follow me and come and see.”
And Philip followed. But Philip also found Nathaniel and told him that he and others had found the one about whom Moses and the prophets had spoken.
In a word — the messiah.
But Nathaniel doubted Philip’s conclusion and said just what he thought, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
Perhaps a modern version of these words might read, “Can anything good come from the ‘hood?”
And Jesus, for his part, did again what he did so often.
Jesus saw not just the exterior of a person but their interior, also.
Jesus knew how to read a person and read their heart.
Jesus saw value where others often just rejected.
Jesus affirmed Nathaniel; Nathaniel was drawn into faith and understanding —
“Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.”
And Jesus gently chided Nathaniel for his momentary lack of faith, then affirmed him again, promising Nathaniel that —
“You will see greater things than this. You will see the sky opened, and angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man.”
And Jesus said this with a double amen!
And to be sure, one amen was sufficient,
But a double amen, amen?!
Watch out!
Have we been called like Nathaniel? Do we ever have our doubts?
Have we “come to believe” and “come to see” just who this Jesus the Christ really is and what he promises also to us?
And has Jesus ever “double amen-ed us”?
Really! In fact, how many times, even today?!

Father Perry Dean Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at

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