Putting everything in its proper place

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
+ Tighten the bolts! Get everything in order! Everything in its place!
David is coming to the end of his life and his reign. Is putting everything in its place. Dotting all his I’s and crossing all his T’s.
Isn’t this what each of us should do — finally getting it all together, and setting everything right before our last breath?
Thank you, David. Good example for us all!
+ Jesus, on the other hand, is putting all of his disciples in their proper place to take care of business.
Jesus tells them what to do, what not to do, and what to do if they do not accept you or your word.
The word, alive
The word is effective and healing, and full of love and life for all!
The twelve were very effective.
Are we? Do we share this word of God?
And, lest we think we all have to become preachers on the corners of our streets, we should remember the quote of St. Francis that many Franciscans say he never said (but whatever) —
“Preach the gospel at all times; and when necessary, use words.”
Wow, well put!
Living it is so much better than saying it.
But saying and living is a darn good combo, no?

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