Act like our Father who art in heaven

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Monday of the Second Week of Lent, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ In boxing they call it the “one-two punch.”
One isn’t enough. Neither is two.
It has to be the combo one-two punch to knock the other out.
So how does one deliver this one-two punch to God?
The 1 where we must start is to admit that we have sinned — that we are guilty; and that we have rebelled, have been wicked, have departed from God’s commands, and we have not obeyed the prophets. Yes!
That’s a good start, and a good 1 punch.
Then comes the second punch.
We praise God, for God is merciful, full of compassion, and full of forgiveness; and he forgets our iniquities, and does not deal with us according to our sins.
We take a good look at ourselves and a good look at our God.
This is the formula that sets us back on the right path and opens our broken lives to healing and peace.
+ Jesus approaches it another way.
He goes deeper, in a sense, and asks us to see a different formula, and to kind of be proactive.
First of all, Jesus suggests that we be like and act like, and live like our Father who art in heaven —
“Be merciful as our Father is merciful.”
Then, drawing out that suggestion, he gives some practical examples —
“Stop judging and you will not be judged.
Stop condemning and you will not be condemned.
Forgive and you will be forgiven.
Give and gifts will be given to you.”
It sounds like a day — a liturgy — of good advice, indeed!

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