Our faith calls us back to humility, service, honesty

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Saturday of the Third Week of Lent, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ For God, a little humility goes a long way. All we have to do is come back to the Lord, and for sure, he will show us mercy and love and bind up our wounds.
Again, the word talks about God smiting us, and striking us.
This reader, once again, finds that hard to believe from the God who is love.
Is it a threat? Is it hyperbole?
Is it a case of describing God’s actions like us — giving human attributes and treating us like we treat one another?
Is it consequences for actions?
Whatever the case, that God heals and renews is clear.
And it is interesting that in around 750 BC there is a reference to language that says, “On the third day he will raise us up.”
Accidental? Prophetic? A common expression?
Is three a significant number like, “1, 2, 3 strikes, you’re out!”?
+ Real faith, it seems, keeps calling us back to humility and to service, and to honesty.
Jesus notes it again
The Pharisee could not brag enough about how much he was doing and how good he was. The only thing missing was a bullhorn!
But the tax collector — a sinner and a person to be excluded and avoided? Yes.
Yes, he showed humility and honesty. He stood at a distance and he wouldn’t even raise his eyes to the heavens. And beating his breast he admitted his sinfulness; he begged for God’s mercy, and Jesus saw in him an example.
Jesus concluded and summed up in a familiar saying of his
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Once again, Jesus points to real faith, real religion, real behavior — that which truly justifies.
In true Lenten spirit, the same is asked of us.

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