Catching up to a moment in time

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, by Father Perry, for Thursday of the Third Week of Easter.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ Have you ever been ripe or ready for a message, and when it appeared or came close, you just snatched it up and gobbled it down? There was something, like a hunger lurking inside you so that when this message or idea even slightly approached, you snatched it up.
Well, apparently, both this Ethiopian eunuch (he doesn’t even have a name in the story) in a random chariot on its way home from Jerusalem, and Philip (the servant of the Lord), were brought together by that lively action of the Spirit.
Told to catch up with the eunuch — for what purpose, and for what reason — it was not even made clear. But Philip did as instructed by the Spirit (ready and prepared for whatever) and jumped into action, asking the eunuch (who was reading a passage from Isaiah) —
“Do you understand what you are reading?”
And the action began! Both were ready for it. The eunuch asked questions. Philip gave answers. There appeared some water along the way. The idea of being baptized (lurking in the eunuch’s heart) lurched forth; he requested baptism, and Philip obliged. The eunuch was baptized; then Philip was gone, and the moment pregnant with so much grace passed, and life continued for both.
Jesus also dealt with a moment in time, but lingered in that moment as he began to teach eloquently about who he was and what he was doing in relationship with his Father —
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven,” said Jesus.
And he showed that God was ready to call, through his Son Jesus, people who were especially open to hear his word and discover his grace and life.
“Everyone who listens …” is the description of those who are ready to receive. Eating the bread of life is to listen and hear and receive what the Father is prepared to give!
Are we ready?

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