The emergence of the church must have been a great time!

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ What a time it must have been! What a unique time that was really a once in history moment!
For the church to be growing among Jews after all of the events that had happened related to the death and resurrection of Jesus — not to mention the incredible miracles that were occurring through the preaching of the apostles and disciples — but now this!
It was enough, given the testimony in yesterday’s word that Peter had visions and began more and more to preach to the Gentiles; they heard the word and responded with all of their hearts.
The Holy Spirit was indeed active and gracing many. Hearts were turned to the Lord, as was clearly witnessed by the large number of Greeks opening to God’s word.
This is what Barnabas saw with his own eyes, and the Acts describe his reaction —
“When he arrived and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced and encouraged them all.”
So Barnabas went looking for Saul (later, Paul) in Tarsus to bring him back with him to Antioch, which he did. And now Saul gets into the Gentile-baptizing action, and many are coming to the Lord.
The bubble indeed has burst, and a new and vibrant and Spirit-filled church was beginning to emerge. What a time it must have been!
In striking contrast, we have Jesus walking about the temple area; and some of the Jews, who apparently were at least curious and somewhat attracted to Jesus and his preaching, said directly to him, “If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
And just as plainly, Jesus responded, telling them he did tell them and they wouldn’t hear it and they didn’t believe it, because they weren’t his sheep, and they could not or would not hear.
As we look together into this mirror of the word, we are invited to ask ourselves if we truly hear all of the word, especially the word that is inviting us to consider the deeper change of heart that will indeed fill us with the Holy Spirit and fill us with that “eternal life, and they shall never perish.”
What a time it is, even today!

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