God speaks in a language that must become our reality

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our reflection on the Sunday readings, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
There is a use of language during this part of the Easter season that speaks to a very intimate and sensitive part of us. They speak of inclusion and belonging; it contains a deep sense of being at home.
In the language of mystagogy (RCIA) it fits so well, since it is a very clear depiction of going deeper into the mysteries and integrating the spiritual truths deeply into our lives.
It is expressed so simply and beautifully in today’s Gospel
“Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit”;
and, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.”
“Staying connected” by cell phone or Facebook is, for some people, the height of interconnectivity. Some can’t live without it. Some appear to be addicted to their cell phones and to remaining “in touch” with friends and the “world out there.”
But this Gospel goes much deeper.
“Remain in me” and allow me to “remain in you,” and fruitfulness, fulfillment, and finding completion will result in your lives.
Jesus was clear about many things throughout his preaching and teaching career. He says the world of faith and Spirit is about more than “doing things” or “following commandments.”
He doesn’t negate these practices as if they are useless. He does indicate that one can follow these perfectly and not find the kingdom of God. His sense is that “remaining in” is more the goal.
Experiencing God dwelling within — his word having a space within, and Jesus’ presence becoming a “part of …” — are the things or Spiritual realities that make the kingdom of God come alive in us.
This is a language that must become reality for us that is experienced, shared, described, celebrated, and lived!

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