Fathers are invited into the Godly work of making, caring for life

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is a reflection on the Sunday readings, for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
The readings today are about growing and developing. These are signs of the kingdom and of faith deep within us. There are certain people in life who are called, sent, expected to guide, protect, mentor, heal, love, and affect countless other things in our life. These certain people called “fathers” have enormous potential to affect our growth and development.
Today we celebrate Father’s Day. One sad truth, however, is that many have experienced a debilitating blow to their own growth and development. In the formative process of growth for most men, they were actually deformed while in the crib, or shortly thereafter.
They watched the men in their lives acting strong when they should have been vulnerable and asked for help. They watched men get angry when they should have seen hurt or sadness. They soon were told, when they cried, that men don’t cry —
“Men are tough!”
Many learned at a very early age not to trust others with their feelings, and not to show anyone feelings that suggested any needs. In many ways, the message ended up suggesting men should not and do not feel.
“A real man is always in control, always strong, always has the final word, always wins, always makes decisions.”
The sad truth is, that simply it’s not true.
A real man feels, hurts, needs, shares, cries, laughs, loves; and is soft, hard, broken, healing, kind, compassionate, giving, and accepting.
We need such fathers. God makes such fathers. The Gospel forms such fathers. Father’s Day cries out for such fathers. These fathers are the ones who will shape, form, mentor, and bring forth amazing growth and development from the beautiful children entrusted to their care. Father’s Day, hopefully, calls forth wonderful men who have been invited into the Godly work of making and caring for life, being co-creators with God, and planters and caretakers of the next generations!
Here, today, we call forth blessings on our fathers, and call forth from our fathers the growth and fruitfulness that truly is what the kingdom of God is all about.
And all of the above applies to mothers, too. And all of the above applies to all people — real people!
Quote of the week |
“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” — Robin Sharma.

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