The blessings we give others are bigger than us

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our series of reflections on the Sunday readings, for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, written by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Liker, pastor
Many times we think of blessings of things and persons in a mechanical way. The blessing has to be personally given for it to be effective or authentic. The word of God testifies differently today.
In the first reading, a portion of Moses‘ spirit is taken and given to 70 elders. But two othersEldad and Medad — are not physically in the camp to receive his spirit; yet, it is mysteriously given to them, also, for they were on the list. How is it that blessings and the bestowing of spirit can happen like this? These two were not even present.
In the Gospel, the disciples report to Jesus that someone was casting out demons in his name. They tried to prevent him from doing so because, “he does not follow us.”
Jesus told them to leave him alone.
The intentions of the church are bigger than us
In some mysterious way, he heard the call and followed without ever having been a part of Jesus’ company. The blessings, the call, and the distribution of spirit are bigger than any action on our part. God’s grace and spirit, though bestowed through our prayers and actions, are not and cannot be limited by us. They are bigger than us!
The church uses a Latin phrase — ecclesia supplet, meaning, “the church supplies” — to say that the intentions of the church come about effectively even when things are not done by the book or are done mistakenly.
Mystery is something that is so profound and so big it never stops giving, opening, revealing, teaching, leading, providing. We come to know more; then we realize we don’t know it all, and there is always more. This should also teach us, as many cultures know so well, that not only priests are qualified to give blessings. All of us can. That is why the blessing of parents to children, and for that matter from children to parents, is something that indeed has power in our lives. Yes! These blessings, too, are bigger than us!
Quote of the week |
“True love does not demand a reward, but it deserves one.” — St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).

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