
God strengthens us to proclaim the Gospel

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for the Feast of St. Luke, evangelist, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor 
+ Paul’s letter reveals that he is in prison and has been abandoned by everyone except Luke. The others left him, or Paul himself sent them away on mission. Paul also proudly identifies with Jesus and accepts all. Paul also notes that everyone had deserted him, but that, “the Lord stood by me and gave me strength.”
Through it all, Paul stuck with it; his whole purpose in life had become the preaching of God’s word and the preaching of the kingdom of God. That would be his life until the end of his life!
Entering into the Gospel passage, we go back in time when Jesus was still on Earth and sending forth his disciples to preach and teach and cure the sick, and share the kingdom of God with all who would be open to it.
Jesus gave very specific instructions — what to take, what not to take, where to stay, how they were to stay there, what they should do for those who gave them hospitality, and when to give a blessing or to take their blessing back. In short, Jesus was not only the Teacher, but almost like a coach or trainer, giving these disciples what they needed for their mission.
One wonders, after hearing these passages from scripture today, if some amount of suffering of some type necessarily accompanies sharing the Gospel. Does it require generosity and service always, and the requirement of accepting suffering or some type of “letting go”?
One assumes that if Jesus has indeed called us, appointed, and anointed us as disciples, and sends us forth to proclaim the kingdom of God, that he will also fortify us with the grace and blessings, and Spirit needed to do our task.

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