"Christ Carrying the Cross, with the Crucifixion; The Resurrection, with the Pilgrims of Emmaus," by Gerard David, c. 1510. (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Out of corruption, goodness and success can blossom

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ Paul often states issues in the strongest of terms, saying today that many, “conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ.”
It probably could not be put in more dramatic language. Then he states, in the highest of language, that “our citizenship is in heaven.”
It really is put into pretty eloquent language. Ultimately, he calls all to, “stand firm in the Lord.”
Then Jesus jumps into a story about a rich man who had a dishonest steward who squandered the rich man’s property.
The rich man told his steward, “Bye bye!”
But the clever steward jumped into action. He may have not been responsible, but he was clever. How could he protect his future? So he called in “debtors one by one”; some, he gave discounts, but collected on the accounts. He brought in money for his master. He made more friends. He paved the way for future possibilities with future plots. He watched out for himself, and made sure his decisions would pay off for his future security. Even his master was impressed by his clever maneuverings.
And Jesus gave, perhaps, one of the strangest compliments of all in the scriptures —
“For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.”
Was Jesus saying that we should be clever and prudent in thinking about and living out the Gospel call in all of our daily and routine decisions and actions?
Did Jesus actually compare us to and with a person who was kind of corrupt and sneaky? He did indeed in order to make his point.
If someone who failed his master because of his corrupt behavior could then actually do some good and achieve some success, how much more good and success could someone — who is committed to Gospel and Gospel values, and Gospel living and Gospel loving — achieve?

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