Life’s crown is the effect of a life well-lived in God

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, for Tuesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ Focusing in this last week of the church year on end times; because it is the end of the year, a few strong and clear themes jump out at us. First of all, as we would expect and have always been taught — judgement.
And of course it would be accompanied by things bigger than life: a Son of man, a crown, clouds, angels, sickles, fire, cutting loose the earth’s vintage, and, last of all, casting it all into the “great winepress of God’s fury.” Yikes! This is a scene one would, me thinks, not want to witness.
And so the Gospel does give a little comfort when it again mentions that no one knows when this will happen. We should not follow those who claim to know. And we should even be aware that the temple would crumble, so also wars and insurrections would come; earthquakes, famines, floods, nations warring against nations, and awesome sights and mighty signs coming from the sky.
One would assume, then, that we must constantly be alert and ready. Isn’t that the point?
But, then, at least two very comforting things are said. First, in the psalm, we are told that God governs and, therefore, judges with equity: always fair, always just, and always constant!
Second, surrounded by alleluias, we hear the warm and wonderful words of assurance and advice —
“Remain faithful until death,
and I will give you the crown of life.”
And for those who like to think in terms of rewards and punishments, then one must assume that God thinks and acts that way. This author does not! Rather, God is describing in the word that to live faithfully, justly, in and with goodness and kindness, and giving and forgiving; and making peace reign in this world, since the time that Jesus walked upon this earth, now to live the Gospel in all things and at all times.
Then the crown of life is not a reward, but rather, the logical consequence and the continuation of a life well-lived in God. In other words, it is like being born with a crown on our head and never having taken it off. We live it for eternity!

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