Be rock steady, and believe in him

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

A reflection on the daily readings, or the Memorial of St. Anthony, abbot, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
+ While this letter to Hebrews wrestles around this question of “entering into his rest,” which to this reader and author makes no sense, it matters not.
Jesus enters the picture through the Gospel reading and makes a huge difference. Not only does he heal a paralyzed man of his paralysis, but he goes deeper to the spiritual condition of sin, and makes it obvious that, too, is a paralysis.
Although he is doubted and judged by many, he holds his ground. Finally, when he does the harder act of giving back the ability to walk, all are astounded.
And maybe, just maybe, some of them began to believe in him as we certainly do!

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