The hour that changed human history forever

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is a reflection on the Sunday readings, for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor | Looking Ahead
Mary appears in John’s Gospel just two times: at the foot of the cross, and at the wedding feast at Cana.
At Cana, Jesus states that “his hour” had not yet come. The hour, of course, refers to his death and resurrection. In the final chapters, Mary stands by the cross in the hour now mentioned many times throughout the Gospel.
We understand the reference. Any moment in life could be considered the hour; whether it be positive or negative. It could be the hour when someone proposes to us. It could be the hour when we were promoted to the highest level of recognition in our life. It could be the hour when our child was born. Or the hour when the jury said “not guilty.”
But for Jesus, the hour was more than an hour, more than a single incident, more than some words of recognition. The hour was what his whole life and ministry was about, and the most significant act of his life.
Every word he had preached, every utterance about the kingdom of God, became realized and fulfilled in the hour. Jesus’ death and resurrection would fully proclaim his kingdom of love and forgiveness that we have been invited to discover and to live.
In Jesus’ case, he walked the talk! What he preached and what he did were one in the same. There was no difference. He lived his word.
His hour is our hour, and the hour that has changed all of human history forever.
Quote of the week |
“The best teachers are those who tell you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” — Alexandra K. Trenfor.

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