In our own feeble, very faith-filled ways, we continue to remain in him

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
A reflection on the daily readings, for Tuesday of the Christmas Weekday, by Father Perry.
+ What is it about trying to live a perfect life that seems to infect us?
Why do we often get obsessed with trying to not make any mistakes and “get it all right.”
Looking at John’s passage today might give at least a partial answer.
Let’s face it, when we fall in love with a person or an idea or a value or a vision, it seems to call us to something complete and whole, ideal, and something more.
As we taste that ideal, we want it all — perfectly, completely, without any defect or compromise.
And somehow, that seems to tell ourselves — and perhaps the whole world, and even God — that we really believe it, want it, and are and will be faithful to it.
Wow! Would it be that simple?
But the truth is that we are sinners, and we do sin, and we are imperfect; we do fall, but especially because we are believers.
At the core of our hearts and souls we do believe; we can and do get back up and recommit, and grab on once again and again to that idea and that faith and that love and that desire.
Like the Energizer batteries, we just keep going.
Perfectly? No! But persistently.
Absolutely yes, and then some!
In our own feeble, yet very faith-filled ways, we continue to remain in him and thankfully ask and allow him to remain in us.
We hear, and thankfully accept with great joy and faith and conviction that God is and always will be faithful to his promises, like those words of the Gospel Acclamation today: “The word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. To those who accepted him he gave power to become the children of God. Alleluia. Alleluia!”
+ Many suspect it to be true for all whether they believe it or not — whether they know it or not.
But what a joy to believe it and know it!
What a joy to accept it with faith and conviction!
What a power it is to fall and sin and be imperfect and yet feel and receive the grace and blessing to come back, to renew, to accept, to regain, to rediscover, to find life, and most of all to live as Children of God!
That, says St. John, we know!

Father Perry D. Leiker is the 13th pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church. Reach him at (323) 255-6142. Email Father Perry at Follow Father Perry on Twitter: @MrDeano76.
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