The Holy Trinity unfolds itself to us, through us, now and forever

Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor.

“Looking Ahead” is our series of reflections on the Sunday readings, for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, by Father Perry.
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor
One God in three persons
St. Patrick supposedly used the three-leaf clover to express (explain) this mystery. The fact that it is called a mystery admits that it cannot really be explained nor fully understood; but truly a mystery to be shared, explored, studied, pondered. And little by little, in many different ways, perhaps we will find it (like a beautiful flower) opening its beauty, truth and wonder to us.
In Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples to go out and make disciples of all nations, “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
St. Patrick supposedly used the three-leaf clover to express (explain) this mystery.

St. Patrick supposedly used the three-leaf clover to express (explain) this mystery.

We have a very distinct relationship with each person of the Trinity. Father/creator clearly is the God we see so powerfully present in the Hebrew scriptures. Jesus/redeemer is the fully human expression of God in our lives and in our history; he is the one who died on the cross and “has been raised up.” He is, for us, the one who clearly leads us to the Father, and seeks only to do his Father’s will.
The Holy Spirit/sanctifier in baptism and confirmation,  powerfully touches our lives and fills us with grace, power, and Spirit — all that is holy! Everyday, “sanctifying and bringing together the human and divine,” happens so wondrously through the power and gift of the Spirit of God.
The scriptures give us this mystery, never explaining it, but presenting it to us as the God who is. It doesn’t seem surprising to have a notion of God as a communion of love between Father-Son-Spirit — three persons, yet one God.
Creation/redemption/sanctification — these three realities happen to us in and through this God; and the mystery is revealed, and unfolds itself to us and through us now and forever.

Quote of the week |
“If the only prayer you said was “thank you,” that would be enough.” — Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-c. 1328).
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