But Paul said it with much tears and hugging and kissing and loud weeping. Jesus said it in deep prayer, visibly raising his eyes to the heavens, and invoking God’s care over and love for his disciples.
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Jesus sent Matthias out, the apostle who witnessed the resurrection
Matthias was one of the seventy-two disciples Jesus sent out.
Continue readingWe are called by baptism to be the first apostles of Jesus
None of us were chosen to be among the Twelve — neither by Jesus nor by lot.
Continue readingBelievers believing for the first time
And what Jesus had said some years before was indeed coming true in them, and before them, and among them.
Continue readingMany blessings were given to us, but they’re all down here on earth
The question got asked, “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?”
Continue readingAn amazing journey of faith and prayer
The entire Mass is a prayer to the Father through Jesus, his Son.
Continue readingLinger with the word, and feel the pain of the disciples
We — knowing the full Gospel story — are peering into that story, watching and listening to the disciples’ response to Jesus. They are confused.
Continue readingIn Jesus’ absence, we wait for the gift of the Spirit
And, hopefully, in some way, we appreciate the growth and the gift that is the Spirit in Pentecost.
Continue readingJesus presented a clear picture of what was to come
For this reason the church gives to us a super-abundance of John’s Jesus these days, leading up to the great feasts of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost, respectively.
Continue readingLoving is the highest expression of faith
Love is both noun and verb. It is something you receive and an experience you do.
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