The same promise that finally that long-cascading procession of Old Testament names could finally discover: the Son of the Most High God indeed was fulfilling it all.
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What would be considered ‘our treasure’?
Or would you finally admit: “I am full. No more! One more bite and I will burst!”
Continue readingWhy are you terrified?
Maybe this God, in all kinds of ways and through all kinds of things — and in both good and bad times, and in joy and pain and sorrow — maybe this God truly has come to his people.
Continue reading‘Live by faith’ is the mantra
These parables provide understanding and help us to be able to welcome the life of God’s kingdom into our spirit and our souls.
Continue readingWe are a light in a lampstand that would give light to all
And because Jesus was always concerned that all would see and hear with the eyes and ears of the heart, he reiterated: “Anyone who has ears ought to hear” and they should “take care what you [they] hear.”
Continue readingDo we hear these stories today as the Good News?
Does God’s word continue, each day, to touch us and deepen our own wondrous conversions?
Continue readingGod spoke a new word in the person of Jesus
To die upon a cross was not in itself salvific, but to love and forgive on that cross was.
Continue readingThe Holy Spirit is present in this very promised time
To choose ignorance is, as the word suggests, ignoring what is right before one’s very eyes. It is like looking directly into the sun, denying that it will hurt you, and then discovering that you have done irreparable damage to your eyes.
Continue readingThe great teacher continues to guide our lives to justice, love
His healing power still makes us whole.
Continue readingThe Blood of Christ establishes this Lord as King of Life always and forever
Blood was, indeed, shed willingly and lovingly — and it was truly redemptive.
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