This is not a one moment thing, but rather a radical change and call that grows and grows and grows and continues to transform into a Living Truth and is truly “of God.”
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God’s wisdom flows like a river and gives life to all who would listen
Imagine a whole family — all together, doing that — walking in the ways of the Lord together, listening intently to the Wisdom of God, holding the Lord in fear (that is, in enormous awe), and together discovering who they, together, could be and could become in God!
Continue readingThe one who hates still lives in darkness, no matter how much they claim to love the light
Not unlike the prophecy to Mary that a sword would pierce her heart, the glory of the light that Jesus would bring would involve the cross, and that pain and ultimate total emptying of self out of love.
Continue readingBiblical storytelling at its very best
What’s more, the murderous plot to destroy Jesus would come, but not just yet. It would be incubated for 33 years, and then it would be a communal tantrum of, yes, the jealous leaders — not just one king but many tantrum-filled adults.
Continue readingWe give thanks for all who discover the invisible God
But in Jesus the Christ, who was clearly visible in his human nature, we experience God, the word made flesh — not only as visible in himself, but also making the invisible God very much visible to our eyes.
Continue readingLike Stephen, we will find ourselves enduring the eternal love of God in Christ
But like Stephen, be prepared to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. Be prepared to see what so many could not and would not see. Be prepared to share in enormous trust that even in the face of death will not diminish. Be prepared to speak wisdom in the face of danger and impending death. And be prepared, in the trust and deepest sense of all, to be saved!
Continue readingOpen this thing called your heart
Clearly, God entered into our world and our lives — and things, as they say, would never be the same.
Continue readingThe Christ, crib, and cross — tightly connected, completely intertwined
And how darkness and sin would be conquered by light and love.
Continue readingPutting emphasis on the birth
They could only wonder: “What, then, will this child be?”
Continue readingGod reaches into the dung heap of our lives
As our faithfulness rises up in prayers, hopefully we will find fulfillment, because somehow we may see the hand of God doing his Godly stuff and touching, with love, our lives.
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