As a church, we say it together this Sunday. Together, may we discover what the journey has been about! Together, may the journey help us to discover who we have become.
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Turn back your hearts and fall asleep in friendship
And that wounded face and punctured head with a crown of thorns would gaze upon all with love, with forgiveness, with freedom, sinlessly, and with eyes so blessed and holy that we, too, could fall asleep now in his friendship.
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By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor A reflection on the daily readings, for Friday of the Second Week of Advent, by Father Perry. From whence comes the terms “a wise fool,” I wonder? It clearly is an oxymoron — that […]
Continue readingMystery has the power to transform
The concept or idea of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is simply (if we could dare use the word “simply” here) that at the moment of her conception in the womb of her mother, she was indeed conceived without original sin.
Continue readingNo other law is necessary except the law of love
And just like any beast of burden that needed the yoke to be placed on their shoulders to force two of them to work together as pairs so that they could pull together, Jesus places a new yoke upon the hearts of his followers, upon us all.
Continue readingThe human gets found by the divine
We are waiting for the celebration of Christmas when we can and will find our Messiah, our Savior, our Christ.
Continue readingA messianic moment for all of us
Wonder and awe filled them all. And as Isaiah predicted, another messianic moment touched them all.
Continue readingLooking Ahead: We are ‘critical players’ in announcing and living out this kingdom of God
An equally critical role falls to us to announce the second coming of Christ; and even though we cannot pinpoint a day or exact time, nevertheless, we continue to proclaim the kingdom that is here and now and the fullness of that kingdom to come.
Continue readingLoving the fruit of ‘that day and that time’
“On that day …” again, Isaiah proclaims a time that would come when there would be no more weeping. We would be heard by the Lord, be answered by the Lord, and have plenty of bread and water.
Continue readingReckon with it — ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’
They became, so to speak, in their own way a living Gospel, and their testimony preached to all the wonders of the Lord.
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