If you want to get into the kingdom, it is NOT enough just to say “Lord, Lord.”
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The feet, indeed!
How important the mouth is for preaching, the ears for hearing, the heart and mind for believing and cherishing the word — and that process gets repeated and repeated and repeated from one person to the next.
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Justice and peace, indeed, come together so perfectly in Jesus the Christ.
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Do we connect as simply and profoundly as the centurion — with Jesus?
Continue readingDivine consequences would result from the life, word, actions of Jesus the Christ
She “saw” and she “heard” and she knew in her “heart” that God was pouring out grace upon grace upon this child and her parents and all of us, and because of him life would never be the same.
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Faith and the word of God, and believing in something — anything — can bring about that light in our lives. That if only for a moment here and a moment there has shattered our darkness and brought us “back to life” and “back to light” — eternal light!
Continue readingThere is a deeper life that the Lord has led us to discover
An empty tomb with the wrappings of death visible, but not the body, gave enough reason to simply “see and believe.” We grapple with the deep mystery of true life — inner life — that gives meaning to the simply mortal.
Continue readingThe mystery of the Incarnation continues today
Maybe we will be able to say with new conviction that God has been born in me, lives in me, fills me, strengthens me. And as we share that truth, the mystery of the Incarnation continues today!
Continue readingMake room for the Lord
When one turns away from God in their life, then can’t find God in their life, well, what do you expect? Consequences!
Continue readingSpiritually pregnant
For sure, the Bible is filled with awesome and bigger-than-life stories, this one included. Certainly the Bible leads us at times to such a great mystery too wonderful, amazing or awesome to behold.
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