The coming of the Lord is not “just another day.” This is the event, the moment, the day, the “we’ve never seen anything like this before” time!
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Be the blind who have faith
All of the messianic language of the scriptures would not prepare for this kind of messiah. Because this messiah was to “save us from ourselves.” This messiah was to heal us from our “sin,” the part of us that could keep us from being truly human and, therefore, also recognizing the divine within us.
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Communion with God in all things and in every way is the way to peace and happiness of the profound kind.
Continue readingGod works at the deepest parts of our souls
There is some necessary “knowhow” and needed “determination” to open our spirit to receive. It isn’t magic, but it is spiritual.
Continue readingHow beautiful are the feet
And quite frankly, Andrew became an apostle of Jesus the Lord because Andrew heard the words: “Come, follow me.”
Continue readingGo to that mountain
And we, for even just a liturgical moment, are invited into profound humility, profound faith, and profound trust!
Continue readingGod gives us a sense who we are to be, where we are to go
It is in living laws with the heart and soul and finding God’s guidance and protection and wholeness and love and purpose in the order and harmony that arise out of and from those laws and commands.
Continue readingSeek the good, then seek the better
Maybe we should notice, then learn. Maybe we should see, then seek the good, seek the better.
Continue readingDo we really listen to God’s word?
In a way, God and God’s work make it happen; in reality, don’t we do it because we don’t really listen to that word?
Continue readingYour signs are Jonah and Nineveh — harden not your hearts
Your sign is Jonah. Your sign is Ninevah. Please. Harden not your hearts.
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