Be open to God doing many, many, many extraordinary things in ordinary ways in our lives!
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The word made flesh has been baptized, seared into our hearts, souls
Let those who have eyes let them see. Let those who have ears let the hear. Let those who have hearts, let them know the Lord!
Continue readingLent is a road map guiding us back to God
So this Lent it is all right and very proper to have our own “gypsy feet,” as long as the wandering is a wandering back to God.
Continue readingSin is a part of life, but Christ sets us free
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry for Friday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. + “Eat it. Your eyes will be opened. You will be like gods.” That was the […]
Continue readingGod knows what is just right — if only we would accept it
By Father Perry D. Leiker, pastor A reflection on the daily readings by Father Perry for Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. + In the story of the three bears, Goldilocks grows tired and goes to lie down […]
Continue readingBiblical stories are meant to open us to the underlying reasons for sin
See what happens when we stop listening to God — in creation, and in the very center of our souls and lives.
Continue readingGod’s ‘place’ is within us. Let us be sure to put out the welcome mat
He wants to dwell in our hearts, souls, minds, and lives.
Continue readingDo we know the power of our words?
Today, indeed, is a teaching day about words and lack of words.
Continue readingIt’s all perspective
We have found the Good Shepherd, and the Good Shepherd will provide all that we need!
Continue readingWith Christ the light, nothing is impossible
We know that “discipleship in Christ is salvation, and hope, and the fullness of life.” We know, for sure, that the truth is that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.”
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