Each day in preparation for the nativity of Christ we say “YES” to God. We say, “We are your servants. Do with us whatever you will.”
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Jesus invites us to Get up and walk!
Is this Advent faith our faith? Have we been freed from our many ways of being paralyzed — spiritually, socially, within our relationships, intellectually, emotionally?
Continue readingGod sends us forth to do his holy work
He has called all of you reading this to be his disciples so that you could become apostolic, and he could train and form you in faith and love and send you forth to do his holy work.
Continue readingCelebrating a tiny bit of faith
Tiny faith that is real faith causes the amazing and the miraculous to occur.
Continue readingGod offers us a spiritual foundation
So build it on rock. Build it on him who is a rock and a stronghold. And don’t build it alone.
Continue readingSpiritual strength is the most powerful thing we’ve got
When we become convinced that our God wants to feed us where we are most hungry and thirsty and will pour out into and over us every spiritual blessing, we will begin to see the world with God’s eyes.
Continue readingWe’re invited to bring about the kingdom of God
And then the gifts of the Spirit will be poured all over and into that tiny, tiny, tiny shoot and blossom. The effects, though, are what is astounding.
Continue readingHow beautiful the feet
Our feet carry us, and they are the first step in allowing us to be able to be bearers of the word and give that word to others.
Continue readingIf you listen to the devil and become evil, expect a story of woe
The devil is everywhere and he is a mess! And if you listen to the devil and become evil, then expect a story of woe.
Continue readingAre we ready always to receive, to drink of ‘life-giving waters’?
Imagine being a people who can “see, hear, feel the kingdom of God” in ordinary things and people around them. Do we “long to see and hear”?
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