God had set the stage of this revolution as salvation history evolved.
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Tempering our vices through prayer
It appears as if when they got together as a community of believers, those who arrived first would go ahead and eat while others went hungry. This behavior was the exact opposite of the unity and charity we are all called to live out as Christians.
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Is there anyone out there looking to connect with me?
Continue readingBe strengthened in every good deed, word
And religion with little faith can and often does lead some to hypocrisy, criticism of others, and false sense of self.
Continue readingBe like Jesus
When you look at Jesus and think, okay, I want to be like him, what comes to mind for you?
Continue readingAllowing the Holy Spirit to guide us
Thank goodness you are not alone at any time or circumstance. God is always with you. The word of the Lord is written on your heart.
Continue readingOur Lenten journey should be deeply interwoven into the rhythms of our lives
Let us surrender. Let us be opened up to learn and follow.
Continue readingFor Black Catholic history, holiness is God’s response to injustice
So let us honor the proud legacy of our Black Catholic ancestors by continuing their work of building Christ’s kingdom in America.
Continue readingListen, be open to God like little children
And we say as the Gospel verse said, “Alleluia! Alleluia! Blessed are you Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia! Alleluia!”
Continue readingTaste the Gospel, hear the call of Jesus, and don’t settle for anything else
This is the preparation for the endurance and the surrender to the cross. This is simply what has been referred to as the truth — the Gospel truth.
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