DACA and our future

In this great country, we should not have young people living under the threat of deportation, their lives dependent on the outcome of a court case. The issues at stake are legal, but they are also humanitarian, economic, and moral.

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Everyday kindness is real

Everyday kindness is real. Hidden from view, little works of redemption, little acts of tender mercy, are happening all the time. Most of us are trying to live the Golden Rule, showing to others the compassion and love that we want for ourselves.

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Jesus’ healing goes much deeper than the physical

This was a visitation of God. This was God’s power working through Jesus. This was a moment of great faith. This was an irrevocable touch from the almighty that restored a man to fullness and gave him back his life. “Amazing!” “How Wonderful!” And … “How Sad!” that the deepest miracle was experienced only by one.

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