Why we serve

Jesus came to serve and he gave his life serving others. We lead others by serving them. In our service of love, we grow closer and closer to Jesus Christ, until the day we can say, as St. Paul did, that is not we who serve, but Jesus who serves through us.

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The gift of Lent calls us to the mountaintop

We, too, have been invited to the mountaintop. We, too, know of the transformation of Jesus through his death and resurrection. We, too, have been forever changed by the promise to share the same, to experience new and eternal life through a sharing in that same death and resurrection.

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Mercy for the merciful

Jesus calls us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Not seven times, but seventy times seven times. In other words, every time. And we cannot be stingy or grudging in our mercy. The measure we give is the measure we will get back.

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A Lenten return to Jesus

In these 40 days of Lent, I want to call us — myself first of all — to deepen our sense of the mystery of our lives in Christ. I want us to try to go deeper in our personal conversion, deeper into the heart of the Gospels and the New Testament writings.

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