To be in relationship with Caesar involves giving him certain things. To be in relationship with God means giving all to him, since all comes from him and belongs to him and shall return to him!
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Reject the invitation of the ‘kingdom’ and you reject God himself
The kingdom of God is offered, and there are those who will not receive it, who cannot recognize it, who reject the offer.
Continue readingGod is ‘in it’ for the long run — without conditions, without limits
If indeed humans have existed on this planet for 160,000 years, God definitely has “hung around” with us, put up with a lot, loved us in spite of ourselves, and continues to grace and gift us without conditions and without limits.
Continue readingA change of mind, heart and will is what conversion is all about
Admitting “I am wrong” and changing one’s ways — that is conversion, that is the Gospel, that is salvation.
Continue readingWe remember Father Adrian M. San Juan | 1976-2020
Father Adrian passed away suddenly on Sept. 18. He was 44. A native of the Philippines, Father Adrian occasionally celebrated our monthly Divine Mercy healing Masses.
Continue readingGod is beyond ‘fair’ and ‘unfair’
He generously, extravagantly, ridiculously, unconditionally pours out his love, his grace and the gift of his salvation. It isn’t earned. It isn’t given out because we “put in our required time” or efforts. It is pure gift. It is pure love.
Continue readingThe kingdom of God is an endless cycle of forgiveness
Indeed, to be forgiven is the best teacher; once we have experienced it, we can never go back — at least, that is Jesus’ hope for us all.
Continue readingAnything and everything that we do in prayer always works out better
Anything and everything that we do in prayer that brings about a spirit of inner peace and tranquility always works out better. To address someone directly, honestly, repeatedly, and prayerfully is different.
Continue readingThe cross is the centerpiece of the Paschal Mystery
There is physical and emotional suffering, failure, the dashing of our hopes and dreams, betrayal and rejection, misunderstanding, and loss of esteem. And, in the end, death itself. Are these the crosses we all must bear?
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